Despite the increasing popularity and the therapeutic benefits of the use of cannabis, many consider its use as an abhorrent activity. The stigma attached to cannabis is the result of widespread misuse and abuse that made it a subject for regulation in many countries. But that doesn’t stop those who understand the benefits that it could provide as one of the natural medicines in the world.
CBD is different from THC
What many do not understand is that the cannabis plant has 110 known cannabinoids, including the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). A cannabinoid compound has the capacity to make direct interaction with a network of receptors needed by the body to maintain its vital functions. Although CBD and THC have the same chemical composition, they differ in the arrangement of a single atom and molecular structure that makes them react differently to the receptors. This reaction is also the reason why THC has a big difference in its mind-altering effects compared to CBD.
CBD does not get users high
Scientists have identified two cannabinoid receptors in the body: the first one is the CB1 that plays an important role in the physiological and mental activities processed by the brain, and the second one is the CB2 that is found throughout the immune and central nervous systems. Both CBD and THC connect to the receptors but they differ in their reaction to CB1. The THC can connect directly with CB1 that sends signals to the brain and gives the “stoned” feeling to the user. On the contrary, CBD produces a different effect because it does not connect directly with the CB1 receptor, and it can even neutralise the mind-altering effects stimulated by the THC. These reasons make CBD much safer to use than THC from a legal perspective.
CBD is safe and has a lot of health benefits
Numerous studies have proven the safety of using CBD as it exhibits no effects suggestive of any abuse or dependence. Presently, CBD is legally infused in foods, beverages, and food supplements like CBD oil UK retailers provide. Some CBD users have even shared inspiring stories on how CBD provided them relief from conditions like depression, insomnia, anxiety, and more. Some studies have also revealed the potential of CBD to change the lives of more than 50 million people around the globe who are suffering from epilepsy. The benefits of CBD make it one of the projected multi-billion industries that will dominate the market in the future.
Legality of the use of CBD
As the demand for CBD has significantly increased in recent years due to published studies, testimonials of users, and media exposure of its benefits, its use is not yet widely accepted in most countries. But regardless of its effectiveness, the legality of CBD from state to state is still unclear and is subject to clarification, especially now that the use of CBD has proof of being non-psychoactive, natural and relatively safe to use.
Anything we use for treatment which is aside from the usual accepted methods becomes the subject of negative connotations, even if it can provide relief to many, as in the case of CBD.
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