When it comes to administering or using cannabidiol, which most people prefer to call CBD, there is the challenge of the quantity or amount of the medication to use. While you do not want to use an amount that is not sufficient, at the same time, you do not want to overdose on it. This brings up the question; what is the right dosage?
To answer this, presently there are no specific dosages when it comes to administering CBD but there are guidelines on doing so. This is due in some way to the fact that there are many CBD products and also, to some extent, it is relatively a new medication when it comes to administering it as a drug.
Although it has been around for a while, it was not legally available to use until recently. For this reason, there are still ongoing research on its uses, benefits, and what the right dosage is to use for specific ailments. You can read more about the history of CBD here.
Cannabidiol comes in many different forms or products. These include oil, vapes and cigarettes, chews and gummies. Other forms include pills, capsules, and even tea. It can also be part of the ingredients used in cosmetics such as lotions, balms, and creams. Depending on the kind of product a person decides to use, the absorption rate and quantity are different. This means that for each product, there is a certain amount of CBD to be taken instead of a blanket or general dosage.
The guidelines available are based on the experience of manufacturers and people in the industry who have seen and documented how cannabidiol has been used in the past. These guidelines include charts and dosage calculators.
What is a CBD Dosage Chart?
CBD dosage charts are information in tabular form that show what quantity of a particular cannabidiol product to use per time based on a person’s weight and the medical condition to be treated. Every dosage at least considers these factors; weight, the ailment to be treated, and the strength of the product used.
Different ailments will require a different amount of CBD to use. For issues such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, pain, nausea, allergies, or for maintenance of well-being, regular doses are required. For severe issues, like severe arthritis, chronic pain, and cancer, the user will require stronger doses.
A regular dose of cannabidiol is 0.25mg for every pound of an individual’s weight while for a strong dose, it is double that at 0.5mg per pound of body weight. There is also the question of how frequently it should be used. For most users, taking a regular dose once or a maximum of twice daily is good.
Strong doses might be up to 3 or a maximum of 4 times in a day taken every 6 – 8 hours. A lot more about this post will be focused on helping make your dosage decisions easier.
Can You Take Too Much of CBD?
Cannabidiol has little or no side effects and there are no known accounts of a fatality or serious health complication resulting from an overdose of it. As much as it will not get you high, it is advisable to use it in moderation so your system does not develop a resistance to it and so that it does not become an addiction. Too much cannabidiol can make you sleep a lot because of its calming effects, or it can result in lethargy and diarrhea. Since it’s not really cheap, you will be spending a lot of money to fund it.
Once you have found a suitable product and dosage that works for you, it is better to stick with that. Furthermore, because everyone’s system is different and people react to different medications in different ways, when you take too much cannabidiol, you may experience some slight side effects such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dry mouth
- Drowsiness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
As a result of this, it is best to start with small doses and gradually increase to a suitable dose. You can get some useful information regarding this in this article here: https://www.wikihow.com/Figure-Out-Your-CBD-Dosage.
Not knowing the exact amount of CBD to take should not limit you from taking it. You can easily go online and you will see guidelines that you can follow. Alternatively, you can use a dosage calculator to calculate the amount of cannabidiol you will need based on personal indices.
Remember to buy products from reputable sources. This will ensure that what you are purchasing is of good quality. Also, endeavor to always check the labels and enclosed leaflets for the constituent ingredients and instructions on dosing.
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