As the demand for skilled nursing and other medical professionals grows, medical education will grow accordingly. Yasith Weerasuriya has some ideas about trends in medical education you can expect in 2022.
Personalized education
The biggest trend in medical education is personalization, says student education professional from With the help of technology, it will take each student’s learning needs into account and design a unique path for them.
Interaction with live patients
With the help of AI, students will be able to interact with live patients via virtual scenes. With this technology, they will learn communication and counseling skills to use in their future profession.
Collaboration among medical disciplines
Medical specialists and educators worldwide are working together to provide educational resources that can be used and shared by students and teachers around the world. This is a growing trend that will continue to expand in the future.
Technology for medical education
The technology of learning is advancing rapidly, but it has yet to reach the stage where we see true virtual reality or augmented reality take hold in medical education. Nevertheless, major developments are expected in this area in the years ahead.
Accredited institutions will open doors to new potential medical professionals.
In 2022, you can expect a move towards standardized testing and accreditation for schools that want to offer doctorate-level education in the future. This means that students who graduate from these institutions will have a better chance of becoming doctors in countries requiring stricter standards.
Accreditation is expected to spread beyond doctorate level education into other areas of medical training, including nursing and pharmacy. This means that the standard for nursing will rise across the globe.
More use of technology in patient care
Technological advances are making treatment more efficient, so it’s no surprise that they are being used more frequently in the medical profession. This trend will continue as we move farther away from paper and ink and into the digital age of learning and treating patients.
Digital clinical skill training
Training providers embrace digital technology to offer students practice opportunities outside the classroom that allow them to use their newly acquired skills. This way, they can practice and develop new skills safely without learning about real patients.
Tailoring learning for students who want to specialize
Some medical schools are already offering specialization degrees that allow students to focus their education on a certain area. In the future, this trend will become commonplace.
Completion of online coursework homework before entering the classroom
Some medical schools are already testing out this trend, which means that students will need to complete their work at home before entering class. This is expected to allow teachers to focus on teaching new information rather than reviewing old information already covered.
Expanding medical education beyond borders
The boundaries between countries are becoming more fluid as technology makes it easier to collaborate with others worldwide. As a result, medical educators around the globe are working together to provide resources for future doctors and nurses regardless of where they live.
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