Relationships are challenging enough without having suspicions that your partner is cheating. Having these suspicions can be very disturbing to your peace of mind. No one wants to believe that their partner is being unfaithful. However, there are a few red flags that you could look for that will give you some idea if your partner is being untrue. In this article, we will discuss 5 of these red flags to look for.
A major red flag is that your significant other is suddenly going to great lengths to get privacy. They start hiding their phone or put a password on it to block entry. They may also hide their screen from your view when you are walking past them. They hurry up and click off of an email or web page when you come near. They may also become suddenly interested in your schedule. These types of behaviors are definitely red flags to watch out for.
When cheating, it is not unusual for a partner to suddenly manifest a personality change. You may notice that your partner becomes more angry, critical, or negative but can also change to become more unusually cheerful. They may change their outer appearance as well. They may start dressing better, change the way they talk, and even the way they look.
If you noticed that your partner’s computer or phone suddenly needs a password, as where before it did not, this is definitely not a good sign. If you notice that they also start deleting text or cleaning the history browser, this is also not a good sign. If they start wanting to take their phone everywhere with them, including the bathroom, this is not a good sign. If you ask to see their phone and they refuse, this is also a problem. If you find out that they have secret email or social media accounts, this is definitely a huge problem. It’s time to have a serious conversation with them.
If you suspect your partner is cheating, it may be wise to visit your primary care physician for a check-up for STD’s. If you have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease, it is definitely time to talk with your partner.
One of the major signs that a significant other is cheating is lack of intimacy. If your partner is no longer expressing an interest in having sex, holding hands, or even kissing, this is a definite sign of infidelity. This may suggest that your partner is getting their intimate needs met somewhere else. If you are having less sex, it may mean that your partner is focused on someone else. If you are having more sex, it may mean they are trying to cover it up. If you are feeling less connected emotionally during sex, this could also be a sign.
If you suspect your partner is cheating, it is important not to panic or jump to conclusions. You don’t want to damage a valuable relationship with what may be unfounded anxieties. It is best if you have solid proof of infidelity before confronting your significant other about cheating.
Author Bio: Paige Jirsa– I work with, which provides users same day STD testing in a discrete and proficient manner.
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