There are several misconceptions about flat roofs and this article aims to address them. Keep reading on and discover how five commonly heard misconceptions about flat roofs will be debunked down below.
1. Rain has nowhere to go
It’s likely that this myth comes from the word ‘flat’ in the name flat roofs. This misconception regarding flat roofs is a common one but actually there is no such thing as a completely flat roof. Every roof has some sort of gradient in it to direct the moisture off the roof and onto the ground.
While flat roofs are actually not completely flat, it is easy to understand why people may think that they are. Flat roofs tend to have a small wall that stands just above the sloped area called a parapet. This means that the sloped part of the roof is hidden and cannot be seen from the ground.
2. Flat roofs can’t handle the weight of snow
While snow might seem concerning, especially in areas where there is a lot of it, every properly built flat roof is engineered to suit where it is located. In these cases, the chance of flat roof failure is extremely low. In areas where there is a lot of snow, it can be dangerous to have the snow shed from a roof that isn’t designed properly.
For snowier locations like the North East flat roofing solutions can be found by a professional roofer who will help you to make informed choices.
3. Flat roofs are leakier
You would probably never guess it but flat roofs are actually less prone to leaking than regular pitched roofs. This is because the materials used to weather-proof flat roofs cover a larger area than the shingles used on a pitched roof. Large pieces of rubber material are stuck to the surface of a flat roof, and fewer gaps between the pieces means that there is less chance of water getting under them.
However, a roof of any type can be susceptible to leaks, especially if it is not maintained properly. Because roofs are always exposed to the elements, it is nearly impossible to completely leak-proof any roof forever.
4. Flat roofs are too expensive
When you take into account the long-term savings you can make by installing a flat roof, it works out as a very affordable option. The costs of installation are lower than for traditional roofs and they often last longer too. Another bonus is that they are quicker to install and require less maintenance over time which also saves money.
Flat roofs can be installed with fewer materials than pitched roofs which have a more complex design. Pitched roofs also take more time to install, which increases labour costs.
5. There are limited design possibilities with flat roofs
Contrary to popular belief, there are many design possibilities for flat roofs and you are not limited to one traditional look. Lots of flat roof styles can be used to create unique looks for your building. Often, skylights and solar panels are added to create an extremely unique look with practical benefits. With such a range of possibilities, you are likely to be able to find a style that suits your taste, no matter how unique it is.
All in all, flat roofs are a severely underrated roofing choice, especially when they are designed and maintained well. To keep your flat roof in pristine condition, you should consider getting a roof health check from a professional roofer at least once a year.
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