These days everyone is looking for ways to save money. One way homeowners and renters can cut costs is by using less water. By solving the following four common plumbing and water usage problems, homeowners and renters can reduce water consumption and save money on their monthly water bills.
1. Leaks and Running Water
Continuously running water is a recipe for a high water bill. Keep an eye out for leaking faucets, toilets, appliances, and hoses. Sometimes all it takes to stop a slight leak is to add some plumber’s tape and tighten the connection. For some leaking faucets, replacing the washers can effectively solve the issue. In other instances, however, the entire faucet may need to be replaced. While addressing plumbing issues, it’s also worth considering does shaving cream clog drains and taking preventative measures to avoid further problems.
2. Outdated Faucets, Shower Heads, and Toilets
If you live in an older house or apartment, chances are the original builders weren’t as concerned about water over-usage as we are today. Upgrading old fixtures can improve the appearance and function of your plumbing system, while also cutting way back on the amount of water you consume each day.
Attaching an aerator to your faucets can greatly reduce the amount of water you’re using. Aerators are basically screens that are connected to faucet’s head. The aerator introduces air into the water, serving both to reduce the amount of water flow from the faucet and to increase the water pressure.
Low-flow toilets also cut down on water consumption. Most modern toilets are already designed to use less water, but if you’re sitting on a throne built in the 1980s or earlier, you may be sending a lot of extra water and money right down the drain. Install a modern low-flow model or convert your existing toilet by simply placing a sand and water-filled container in the toilet tank to reduce the amount of water used with each flush.
3. Old Water Heaters and Appliances
As appliances continue to improve in regard to energy efficiency and water usage, you may find yourself in a position where it makes sense to upgrade an old water heater, dishwasher, or washing machine. When you’re shopping for a new appliance look for the “WaterSense” label. The WaterSense label is a voluntary program initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help consumers quickly determine whether a given appliance has been approved by the EPA as water-smart. Appliances marked with this label will use at least 20% less water than their regular counterparts.
4. Wasteful Water Usage
One of the best ways we can cut down on our water usage and save money doesn’t cost a dime. It simply involves changing our behavior as we use water. Simple ways to cut down on water usage include: turning off the water while we brush our teeth, taking shorter showers, and not flushing the toilet after urinating.
Almost everyone can immediately cut down on their water usage and save money on their water bill. Getting an inspection of your plumbing system and talking to a professional HVAC consultant can give you a number of strategies for curtailing your water consumption.
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