The most common goal of a digital campaign is brand growth, though for such a common goal it’s amazing how few truly understand how to achieve it. The key is at the intersection of digital advertising and brand strategy, so here are some tips for getting the best out of your digital advertising campaigns and build your brand.
A Holistic Approach
At the heart of any digital campaign must be a goal, with the campaign built holistically around it. There’s no room for half measures when it comes to your campaign goal – structuring every aspect of your campaign around the brand growth strategy is vital.
It’s important not to rush this process either. Far too often brands are undercooked and shoved out the door into the market, without the required time taken to be thoroughly fleshed out. So engage the expertise of a digital marketing agency to take the time not only to develop your brands’ theory but to research your target market.
Building the Brand Growth Strategy
Step one of developing a strong brand growth strategy is questioning your brand. Who are your customers? What do you do? This is especially important if you play in a niche industry as it’ll help you identify where your brand sits in the market.
The next step is establishing clear guidelines to convey your brand’s character and goals. A strong typeface, logo, colour palette and verbal identity will allow you to operate in the market, allowing your customers to organically develop their relationship with the brand before you begin your campaign.
Time to Execute
When growing your brand in the digital space, the backbone of your campaign will be social media. It’s an astoundingly powerful tool for developing a customer base and brand recall and is often overlooked for achieving this goal. Your target market research will have given you the knowledge of which social media channels to focus your time on, so the next challenge is to build momentum.
Like a steam train taking off from the station, social media is a slow burn and a big challenge to get off the ground, but once you’re up and running you’ll see amazing growth potential. The key to building this initial momentum is an investment in high production value to create content that engages the audience in your brand story. Well established content pillars that reflect your brands’ ambitions should dictate your content itself. At the core of these pillars, the content should encourage your customers to organically share their experiences and stories with your brand, both digitally and face-to-face.
Achieving Meaningful Engagement
Micro-influencers are a great tool to reach further into your target market or even break into a new one. A tactic best employed by smaller and niche brands, a promoted post or collaboration with a micro-influencer brings with it a sustained, captivated and trusting audience.
Micro-influencers have fewer followers than their big siblings, though carry with them a much more engaged and loyal audience. They may open a smaller market than large influencers, however, micro-influencers bring an unparalleled level of trust across social media. They’re also a more affordable tactic, a strong network of micro-influencers can net huge brand growth within a niche with just a small investment.
Getting the Most Out Of Video
It’s no secret that video content is much more effective at cutting through to a target market than still images, though it’s amazing how few brands effectively employ video as part of their digital advertising toolbox.
The key to video content that cuts through is tailoring it to the platform, and use – be it an in-feed post or a specific ad type to be displayed elsewhere. Beyond simply formatting, there’s little to gain in just re-cutting your traditional video media advertising (like TVC’s) for social, the content and structure itself must be built for the platform to engage, and drive outcomes through its call to action.
Author Bio:
Jack Shepherdson:
With a love of advertising and branding, Jack Shepherdson is uberbrand’s Digital Coordinator. Experienced across the digital landscape, Jack specialises in producing digital campaigns and projects.
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