Long known for their habit of living in colonies, ants are the most common house pests across the entire globe. The moment you spot one ant, there’s a sense of inner certainty that you have an entire colony of ants to deal with. You might next end up seeing an ant trail crawling all the way up your walls or on your floor. Ant colonies do not pose much threat when you see them outside, but the moment they have found their way to your home, it’s time to get them out. Ants not only contaminate food but some species also leave behind itchy wells on your skin.
There’s no doubt that ants can be seen as comparatively friendlier pests as they do not cause a lot of damage on most days. However, Ant Control Melbourne is a true concern when an ant Infestation is getting out of hand. Be it to preserve all your sweet food or to make sure your house remains pest-free, here’s how you can creatively tackle an ant Infestation.
● Use Peppermint
With most pests, the key to eradicating them can always lie in targeting their strong senses of smell. If you’ve been wanting to tackle an ant problem effectively, use the proven insect repellent property of peppermint to your advantage. You can simply use a few droplets of peppermint oil diluted in water. Next, you could sprinkle it around areas where you see or suspect ant colonies. Use of substances like peppermint or simply pepper can work wonders when it comes to dealing with ant infestations in your home. It’s amazing how household products can be of such tremendous use when you are dealing with pest problems.
● White Vinegar
If you’ve spotted an ant colony, you can indulge in this easy solution. All you need to do is take some water and white vinegar and make a 50-50 solution from it. Use this solution to wipe these colonies visible to your eye. White vinegar not only kills ants but also acts as a strong repellent for them. Professional services like Pestico Pest Control Melbourne advice on using these homemade tips for dealing with basic pest problems routinely. White vinegar is seen as an efficient eradication therapy for ants, and this has been a practice that is in use in houses all over.
● Bring Tea Tree Oils in Use
As usual, tea tree oil is out and about, constantly showing us its utility. These oils have a peculiar fragrance that is very useful when being sprayed in the house. The scent will spread a nice aroma in the house while making sure that ants are not around. You can simply use a few drops and mix them well in about 2-3 cups of water. If the aroma is too strong, you can dilute the mixture even more. These oils are easily available online and act as a natural and organic ant repellent.
● Use of Silicon Dioxide
Using silica powder is a very effective way of killing ants in your house and is surprisingly not poisonous in use. This powder comprises of the fossils of aquatic creatures that go by the name diatoms. You can use this powder around your house and it will absorb the oils in the skeletons of small creatures and bugs. This will make their skeletons dry and slowly kill them. Even though silica isn’t necessarily poisonous, it is still an irritant that will surely bug you. So avoid using it near your eyes or breathing it in.
● Get Spray Glass Cleaners
If you combine your everyday glass cleaner and liquid detergent, it can create a pretty useful mixture that wipes out the trail of pheromones that ants leave behind when they walk. By doing this, you will ensure that ants do not return to your home. This remedy has been around for a long time and is usually enough to keep the ants away. Using this remedy has been a very effect way for your Ant Control Melbourne needs.
● Everyday Hand Soap
Using hand soap is one of the easiest ways to get rid of ants that keep coming back to your house. Use simple hand soap to wipe down areas where ants have frequented so that their trail of pheromones is wiped off. What’s even better is that unlike glass cleaners or liquid detergent, the smell won’t bother you so much here. Using hand soap has been a remedy measure that has been around for ages. You can even choose certain soap fragrances that have a stronger smell and will keep ants away more effectively.
● Lemon and Eucalyptus
Lemon and Eucalyptus have a very strong aroma that is not generally liked by ants. It overpowers the trail of scent that they leave behind wherever they walk and as a result, doesn’t allow them to come back so easily. Using these odours is an organic way of dealing with ant problems in your house. You can simply choose to purchase their oils online and spray their diluted liquid across the house. This also gives off a good fragrance.
● Coffee grounds
For a long time now, coffee has been doing a lot more than just being a much loved beverage. Brewed coffee grounds used around ant colonies can act as strong repellents for them. Sprinkle these on surfaces and let them do their magic and attract ants. However, dry coffee grounds will not be just as effective. This means that you will have to change them often. Ant Control Melbourne becomes quite easy if basic ant control tips are followed.
Although these tips might seem like everyday DIY things you hear around, they have proven effectiveness. Following them regularly along with professional pest control drives every once in a while is all you need for your pest problems to fade away. Pestico Pest Control Melbourne believes in working actively towards pest control problems. Bring these tips to use and get rid of ant colonies thriving in your home.
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