When you get a car you may get 1-3 years warranty outright, but with an extended warranty you can get up to 5 years of coverage, and here is why it makes sense for you to do.
Repairs are More Costly
In all likelihood your car is going to be facing some problems between years 3 and 5, simply through usage of the vehicle prior to that time. During this time you may have to shell out for certain repairs and you can bet your bottom dollar that those repairs are going to be far more expensive than the cost of the extended warranty. It just makes financial sense for you to get this extra protection and you will be thankful in the long run.
Keeping the Car
Most people buy a car with the idea of keeping it for at least 5 years, so why would you leave yourself open for those final 2 years? Even if you only have a 3 year plan in your mind for how long you will keep the car, there is nothing to say that you are going to stick to it, which is why it makes sense to get yourself that extra cover and give yourself the peace of mind.
Optional Extras
Companies who sell extended warranties are aware of the fact that many people don’t think that they are a good idea and so in order to help encourage more people to opt for the extended warranty, they will throw in some extras to sweeten the deal. This could range from addition 24/7 roadside assistance and recovery, free products from their partners such as home appliances or even cashback on your warranty purchase. The extended warranty makes sense on its own, so you might as well consider these extras as bonuses.
Increase Resale
If you do decide to sell your car before the warranty expires then don’t worry abut having lost that money, because you will be able to add this onto the price of your car when you sell it. The warranty can be signed over to the new owner, and they will be happy to pay more knowing that there was a warranty protecting the car for the duration of its life with you.
You may be rushing to get off the forecourt, but make sure that you’ve signed up for that warranty first.
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