While using the internet after reaching a certain data limit, your data speed slows down. Does it make you wonder, and why it happens so?
Well, it is called Internet throttling in technical terms, and in general, you can say that intentional lowering of speed by your internet service provider.
What is Internet Throttling?
Accessing the internet is possible only through your Internet Service Provider. At instances, your provider deliberately slows down your data speed.
Slowing of your data speed is called Internet throttling or Bandwidth throttling. Your data speed is not only throttled after reaching the preset monthly limit, but it is also slowed down by your service provider to slow down specific online destinations.
Throttling can happen at any place be it just for your device, or a specific website or at the end of service that you are using on the internet. It is used to limit users uploading, downloading specifically for video streaming.
Why Companies Do It?
High-speed internet is the forefront of entertainment, then why would service providers slow your data speed intentionally? A user rarely gets any benefit from internet throttling; your internet provider Ontario throttles data for various reasons. Let’s learn it here.
Regulate Network Traffic
During peak times, your service provider limits your connection. Service providers use this measure to minimize bandwidth congestion. As large numbers of people are accessing the service at the same time, network congestion occurs. When the network node contains more data than its handling capacity, your provider throttles the data speed to handle network traffic and maintain stable service for all.
Fair Usage Policy
Your internet provider includes fair usage policies in their contract. The policy states that if the user crossed a specified data limit within month’s space, your data speed would be throttled till next month. Internet service providers adopt this action to limit the network being used by a small percentage of high data consumable users and making it fairer for other users by providing them higher speed.
Limit Bandwidth Usage
Users often participate in high bandwidth activities like consistently downloading videos, gaming content, or other streaming content. While observing high bandwidth usage, internet service providers throttle your data speed to stop crossing from the set monthly data limit and even to encourage you to opt for a higher data plan.
Not every time Quebec internet provider throttles the speed; sometimes it is because of your jammed modem and router too. When these equipments receive more information than their handling capacity, your network slows down and even freezes sometimes. You usually can get over this type of throttled internet by resetting your router or modem. It will clear the jammed traffic and let your network back to its high-speed.
How To Know Speed Is Throttled?
It is hard to recognize, but whenever you feel like your Internet Service Provider is throttling your internet speed, you can verify it with these tips.
Speed Test
If you experience that your data speed throttles by the end of the month or at certain times throughout the month, performing an internet test several times during month can shed light.
Virtual Private Networks
Most Internet Service Providers notice when a user tries to initiate speed test, they cleverly stop throttling during test’s duration. So sometimes speed test gives normal results, but they get back to throttle your data speed soon you are done with your speed test.
Virtual Private Networks prevents your service providers from detecting that you are running a speed test or downloading higher-bandwidth files frequently.
Mask your fair activities with VPN and get accurate results of speed tests to check if your data provider is giving you the exact service for what you are paying for and your provider will also be prevented from throttling your internet.
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