No matter whether you live in the countryside or the city, taking your dog on lengthy walks is absolutely essential and if you don’t do it you are running risks which you really don’t need to. I fell into this trap a couple of years ago and becasue I had been so used to just taking my little puppy out to go to the bathroom, once she got bigger I kept on with that habit and became really bad at taking her for lengthy walks. It was one of the vets from AV veterinary center who pointed this out to me and said that my dog’s development looked a little slow, and I was utterly horrified. From that moment I committed that I would take my dog out at least 3 times a week for a lengthy walk, and here is why you should too.
Health and Development
Dogs are just like humans in that they need to keep moving in order to increase their mobility and strengthen their muscles and joints. Without this they cannot properly develop and that can reduce their mobility and increase the chances of them having health problems later in their life. If you fail to give you dog enough exercise then they will also put on weight which further adds pressure to their joints and bones. This is not good for your dog and you must ensure that they get the exercise that they need.
Dogs will adapt to just about whatever type of life you decide to give them but dogs are at their happiest when they are outside and running around. This is the chance for you dog to have new adventures, to meet other dogs, to see and smell the world around them. Keeping a dog in the same house all day every day is not only bad for their physical heath but all their mental health. Dogs connect their emotions with their bodily functions, this is why they will eat less when they are sad, and if you don’t keep your dog happy by taking them out for some length walks then you are going to be making your dog less happy than they should be.
Exercise For All
Taking the dog out regularly hasn’t just helped her to get fitter, but it has also given me the motivation to get out and about and put some miles into my own legs. We started off walking 4 miles and I found that I was really tired at the end of it, something which I hadn’t expected. Now Daisy and I rack up 5 miles a day and we do this 3 times a week, and we both feel great as a result.
Ultimately it is just good practice for you to take your dog on regular long walks and in doing so you will be greatly improving their mental and physical health, and you are going to have a much happier dog as a result.
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