As the warm weather approaches around the corner, more and more people are gearing up to enjoy time on their motorcycles. However, along with the enjoyment of riding your motorcycle also comes a considerable amount of risk.
Motorcycle accidents account for over 10% of driving-related deaths. Without the metal frame of a car surrounding you your chances of getting seriously injured in an accident are much higher as a motorcycle rider. It’s important to know what the most common causes of accidents are and how to avoid them. Take a look at some of the most important to keep in mind.
Turning Cars
Motorcycles are especially vulnerable to cars and trucks who are making left turns. Often incoming vehicles don’t see a motorcycle passing and make a left turn in front of them. While you can’t control other driver’s mistakes, you can control your awareness. It’s important to stay aware of other drivers at all times. Always assume the worst and be on guard for others driving mistakes.
Failing to be alert and aware at all times could cost you your life in a split second.
Drinking And Driving
Over 10% of all motorcycle crashes involve at least one driver who has consumed alcohol. Getting behind the wheel after drinking isn’t just putting your own life at risk but others. Under no circumstances should you drink and operate your vehicle. If you suspect that other drivers on the road may be under the influence, report their license plate, and stay as far away from them as possible.
Even though a lot of people associate motorcycles with speed and excitement, the faster you’re going, the higher your chances of getting into an accident. The faster that you’re driving, the smaller your window of time is to react to other drivers.
You never know when you can hit something, which could cause you to lose control of your vehicle when speeding. Always follow the speed limit since they are there for a reason.
Sudden Stops
There are thousands of rear-end accidents every day. The difference is when a motorcycle is involved in a rear-end accident, it’s often fatal. An abrupt stop resulting in ahead could cost you your life. This is why it’s critical to always ride with the proper gear since you never know when someone could come at you, causing you to fly off your bike.
Bad Weather
Bad weather doesn’t just cause slippery roads, but it also decreases visibility. If you’re writing your motorcycle and it’s raining, it’s important that you drive carefully with a heightened sense of awareness. If possible, don’t ride at all in unfavorable weather conditions.
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