Learning about a mesothelioma diagnosis can be an overwhelming experience. Being a rare and aggressive type of cancer, it is not easy to digest the fact that you may have this disease. None of this is your fault, and it is understandable why you may find it difficult to accept that you have mesothelioma. Unfortunately, you may have to accept the diagnosis for what it is and understand the cause behind it. The main cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure.
In places like Texas, there are about eight known asbestos sites, which include two former mines. Hence, if you are from this state and work in oil refineries, you may have faced intensive asbestos exposure. Gradually, the asbestos may have built up in your system, leading to mesothelioma.
So, what do you do when you’ve been diagnosed with this cancer? Here are some steps you should take.
Understand The Resources Available to You
Mesothelioma is an expensive disease to treat. This is why you may feel reluctant to sign up for treatment since the costs of the medications alone can put a dent in your savings. But you shouldn’t prolong treatment because you’re worried about the prices. Instead, look towards the resources you can utilize to help pay for this extensive treatment. Legal bodies in states like Texas recognize mesothelioma as a personal injury lawsuit. This is because most mesothelioma cases occur due to asbestos exposure, which is possible if you worked in construction, were part of the military, or lived in a house built in the 1980s.
For this reason, you need to contact a mesothelioma lawyer Texas has to sue the company that made you sick in the first place. Most mesothelioma cases end in a large settlement, which usually occurs outside the court. The money you win from a settlement can help you cover the cost of treatment and give you access to optimum aftercare. Don’t let this opportunity slip past you, and if you are diagnosed with mesothelioma, look into building your case.
Study About the Disease
Educating yourself about the illness you have can help you combat it better. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, so there is a chance you may not know enough about it. Therefore, learn as much as you can about the disease. You can utilize various online platforms to facilitate your journey to explore more about mesothelioma. Try going the extra mile and make notes of medical jargon or terms you don’t understand and bring it up with your doctor. You can also study research papers.
Case studies can better explain how doctors tackle mesothelioma and how fast patients respond to certain illnesses. If you feel overwhelmed by the process, that is natural. Don’t overburden yourself while trying to cope with your diagnosis.
Think About Treatment
Your doctor will first schedule you for a biopsy, blood test, and physical exam to determine the kind of cancer you have. The result of these tests can help a doctor learn at what stage your cancer is, its location, and what treatment method is suitable for your illness. You should carefully gauge all your treatment options.
Each procedure has side effects, so you know what is in store before you consent. Furthermore, apart from the cancer itself, your age and overall health also play a role in determining your treatment. Your options may include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.
Ask for a Second Opinion
You can speak to other doctors to decide on your treatment. A second opinion can give you a better insight into your illness and what other treatment options are available for you. When you go for a second opinion, mention what you already know about the illness, what your primary doctor said about the progression of your cancer, and what treatment you considered.
Have an active discussion with your doctor and let them guide you about your treatment. Likewise, you can also use this opportunity to talk to your insurance company and find out what treatment options are covered for you. Until you have the complete picture of what you need to do, continue discussing and asking for opinions. But don’t take too long; you need to start treatment soon, or else the cancer cells will continue spreading.
Have A Support System
You may be tempted to power through your illness alone, but you don’t have to do that. Dealing with mesothelioma can be scary, and it helps to have your loved ones in your corner who can help you through this phase. Have a support system so you don’t feel alone when figuring out the kind of treatment you should go for. Getting treated for cancer can be physically and mentally stressful. At the same time, you can’t handle the lethargy and fatigue that comes with the treatment alone. Combatting your mental state is also hard when you’re alone.
So, have a support system who can guide you, take care of you, and, if needed, attend all your appointments so you feel less alone. Part of recovery is also ensuring you’re emotionally and mentally coping with your situation. Therefore, don’t neglect your mental and emotional health until you cannot power through. There is no harm in turning to therapy or expressing your worries to your loved ones.
Final Thoughts
Asbestos exposure can lead to a painful disease like mesothelioma. This rare and aggressive type of cancer gets detected much later in life. Hence, when you learn about your diagnosis, you must prepare for the trial ahead. Like most cancers, mesothelioma diagnosis is not easy to cope with. Therefore, the only way forward is to utilize every resource in your corner and try to understand what you’re up against.
Educate yourself on the possible treatment options available, how you can finance your treatment, and what opinions other healthcare providers have about your diagnosis and treatment options. Furthermore, establish a support system to ensure you take care of yourself and realistically handle the situation.